Location Information

Initial Sponsor Ticket Block


このコースを有料イベントスペースで提供して経済的に実行可能になるには、14 人の受講者が必要です。

このような高いハードルがあるため、コースを個人チケット購入に開放する前に、1 社以上の企業スポンサーが協力してコースの経済的基準を提供するのが最善だと考えています。これにより、最初の購入からコースが承認され、全員にとってより良い体験が提供されます。

さまざまな大規模イベント ホテルから適切なスペースの見積もりを十分に取得しています。また、関連するその他の諸経費もすべてしっかりと把握しています。開始ボタンを押せるだけの受講者を確保できれば十分です。

このシステムは、最初のブロック チケット購入で少なくとも 14 枚のチケットが必要になるように構成されています。2 つの異なる部門または会社の 2 人のマネージャーが協力してこの最初のブロックを提供したい場合は、最初のブロックのそれぞれの部分をそれぞれ購入できるプライベート リンクを喜んで提供します。 [email protected] までご連絡いただき、必要な情報をお知らせください。お手伝いさせていただきます。

最初のスポンサー チケット ブロックが購入されると、個別のチケット購入を受け付けるシステムが開始されます。それまでの間、お気軽に私のコース関心フォームにご記入ください。

なぜ最低受講者数がこんなに高いのか疑問に思われるかもしれませんが、その理由は、システム モデリング ベースのコースの素晴らしい学習成果を達成するために受講者 1 人あたりに必要とされる膨大なイベント スペース、ライブ翻訳を手伝ってくれると申し出てくれた日本人の友人の追加旅費、そして大量の重いフライト ケースを持って米国から私が渡航する高額な費用に要約されます。


It will require 14 students before this course becomes financially viable for me to deliver in paid event space.

With such a high threshold I believe it is best to ensure that one or more corporate sponsors have come together to provide an economic baseline for the course before opening up the course to individual ticket purchases. This will provide a better experience for everyone by ensuring the course will have a green light from the very first purchase.

I have ample quotes on appropriate spaces from a variety of large event hotels. I also have a firm grasp on all the other overhead costs involved. I simply need enough students locked-in to be able to hit the launch button.

The system is configured to require at least 14 tickets in the initial block ticket purchase. If two managers in two separate divisions or companies would like to work together to provide this initial block, I am happy to provide a private link where they can each purchase their own respective portions of the initial block. Simply reach out to me at [email protected] to let me know what you need, and I will assist.

Once the initial sponsor ticket block has been purchased, I will open up the system to accept individual ticket purchases. In the meantime, please feel free to fill out my course interest form.

In case you are wondering why the minimum student threshold is so high, the reasons boil down to the huge amount of event space per student required to achieve the amazing learning outcomes of a system modeling-based course, the additional travel cost of a native Japanese friend who has offered to help with live translation, and the high cost of my traveling from the United States with a large number of heavy flight cases.

Additional Information


事前登録期間: 事前登録期間中、クレジットカード情報は記録されますが、請求は行われません。コースの財政的運営に十分な数の事前登録受講生が集まった時点で、会場が確定し、記録されているすべてのクレジットカードに請求が行われます。

事前登録終了: 2024 11 8 日金曜日午後 11 59

譲渡: チケットを他の人に譲渡できます。事前に Agile Carpentry ([email protected]) にお知らせください。

事前閲覧コンテンツ: サインアップすると、大量の事前閲覧コンテンツが送信されます。サインアップが早いほど、準備に多くの時間をかけることができます。サインアップ時に事前読み上げコンテンツを含む自動メールが届かない場合は、お問い合わせください。


Pre-Registration Period: During the pre-registration period, your credit card will be placed on file but not charged. Once there are enough pre-registered students for the course to be financially viable, the venue will be finalized and all credit cards on file will be charged.

Pre-Registration Ends: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024

Transfers: You can transfer your ticket to another person, please just let Agile Carpentry ([email protected]) know in advance.

Pre-Read Content: There is a significant amount of pre-reading content which will be sent once you sign-up. The earlier you sign-up, the more time you will have to prepare. If you don't receive an automated email with the pre-read content upon signing-up please reach out.


Initial Block: Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices (30 remaining)



The participant names and emails are optional.

Buying the minimum initial block as soon as you are able to will be extremely helpful from a planning perspective.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices (Sold Out)


The participant names and emails are optional. Buying tickets as soon as you know how many people you will be sending is extremely helpful from a planning perspective.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out
Total: $0.00


Purchase ProtectionRECOMMENDED

Add Purchase Protection for a small fee and get a 100% refund of your registration purchase should you be prevented from attending due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. (Full Terms)

Why protect your registration purchase? Purchase Protection covers:

Severe Illness and InjurySevere Illness and Injury
Death in FamilyDeath in Family
Transportation FailureTransportation Failure
Crime and Home EmergencyCrime and Home Emergency
Employment ObligationsEmployment Obligations
Acts of NatureActs of Nature
Legal ObligationsLegal Obligations

Purchase Protection covers many common unforeseen circumances, but exclusions apply. View full List of qualifying circumstances and exclusions.

* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Not available for or applicable to events, attendees, or travel outside of the USA. Purchase Protection is a service offered by Purchase Protection LLC. Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. It is a service that will refund you 100% of your event fees, taxes and dues should you be prevented by unforeseen circumstances from attending the event. Purchase Protection does not apply to, and will not reimburse, merchandise purchases and charitable donations. Purchase Protection fees will be charged as a separate transaction. Any changes made to your purchase will not change the amount covered in this agreement.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

請求情報/Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover

英語: 事前登録に関する注意事項:

カードに請求されることはありません。 これは、お支払いが今後処理されるまで、席を確保するための事前登録です。このページを完了すると、このお支払い情報が適切な時期に全額のお支払いを処理するために使用されることに同意したことになります。


English: Pre-Registration Notes:

Your card will not be charged. This is a pre-registration to reserve your spot until your payment is processed in the future. By completing this page, you agree that this payment information will be used to process your payment for the full amount at the proper time.

It is recommended you delay booking any non-refundable travel until you receive confirmation your payment has been processed. The conference organizer is not responsible for travel cancelation costs.

TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software